Okay. I think English is officially my favorite course of the year. ;)
The T.A. teaching class today mentioned
Buffy (specifically, "The Body"),
Angel ("Sense And Sensitivity"), and
Harry Potter (apparently she did a lecture last year sometime on
HP and had to convince people that it was relevant to their lives in some way, as apparently the people she was lecturing to viewed
HP as an entirely separate, fantastical, in-no-way-representative-of-reality type thing. hmm.). All she had left to do was throw in
LOTR or like, Savage Garden or something, and it would have been perfect... ;)
Oh yeah, and it's +1 degrees celsius today! Compared to the kind of weather we've been having lately...it's almost balmy. ;) Well no, not really. Heh. It
is supposed to be Spring in about a week, though, so hopefully it doesn't get really cold again...